Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{Cousins are fun!} Harford County, Maryland Child Portrait Photographer

What a gorgeous day for a photo-shoot!
Only one drawback–sopping wet grass, but hey, I am not complaining!!

These two beautiful sisters are the daughters of a very dear friend of mine, and I actually photographed them last year around this time as well (as you can see here)! The little man is their cutie pie cousin, the almost one year old son of her sister.

We all met up at a great location to get all sorts of great shots of the kids together–alone….it was fun!! The oldest girl in the pics seriously could not have given me any more great poses to choose from. She absolutley knows how to rock a good look, so look out mom!! Can anyone say modeling? 🙂 I am just in love with the black and white of the two sisters together…

Thanks for a meeting up with me to capture the kids as they are right now–which is ADORABLE!!


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Enter adorable baby boy cousin…

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  • Laurie - I absolutely love them!!! Can’t wait to see the rest Linds. You are wonderful!!ReplyCancel

  • Dorinda Purvis - These pictures are great! The girls look beautiful as usual and Dominic is definitely a cutie!ReplyCancel

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