Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{My Baby’s First Haircut} Harford County, Maryland Event Photographer

Okay so if you know me, you know my daughter’s hair. Heck, even if you don’t **know** me, you know her hair from this blog. She is turning 3 on Tuesday, and she has had ONE, yes ONE haircut in her life! (and honestly, it’s so curly, you couldn’t even tell).

Well, I was expecting this, but with boys…it’s totally different. You have to cut it. I mean, you don’t want to (or at least I didn’t), but you kind of have to. I was dragging my heels with this, telling myself my little guy had the “summer surfer style,” but finally my husband basically forced “the big haircut” on me this past weekend.

I am so glad he did! When I share some of darling daughter’s birthday pics, my son looks so grown up and handsome!

Anyway, I dragged my camera to the salon, and I am so glad that I did. I love these pictures, and they really captured the experience perfectly.

It made me think that other mom’s out there that may want these special moments captured too–so if you need me for an “event” such as this–give me a holler!


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