Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{and baby makes 3} Harford, MD Custom Portrait Photographer/Maternity

Well…not really I guess. This is another adorable couple with 2 furbabies, so really–baby makes 5! 🙂
These two were super sweet, and the tiny pups were an added bonus to this session.
Would you believe we toted them around the location in their little bags until it was their “turn,” and they didn’t make much of a peep! It was the cutest thing!

L is due in August and she looks absolutley gorgeous right now.
The camera loved her, we had a stunning evening, and I am excited to share the moments before their son arrives.
I can’t wait to phorograph him!

I have to admit, I always get a bit of nerves before maternity sessions because …it’s a grown-up! I have mostly babies and kiddos in front of my lens. I always leave giddy and happy to get some differerent shots–and mostly excited to photograph their babies. It’s a great feeling to walk into the home of the new parents and already know them like an old friend.

Thanks for looking, and thanks P fam….good luck!!

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Love love love love…… they’re so cute! Hubby was up for anything! 😉
linds4go ahead,pin this


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