Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{Calling All Little Girls!} These TuTus are “Too Too Cute!” Harford County Maryland Child Portrait Photographer!

So…I got some adorable (and I mean ADORABLE) tutus in the mail on Friday and my daughter promptly fell. in. love. She immediatley looked at me and said, “Mommy, are you gonna take my picture??” (yes, she really said that…and yes, she is a total photographer’s kid–meaning she usually HATES having her picture captured).

It was my original intention to do so anyway (to have her “model” them), but the fact that she was IN to it….that really made my day.

Well….we waited until today to find the perfect spot and went crazy!! I fell in love with SO many of the pictures, I just had to showcase all of my favorites.

Like em? Want them on your adorable gal??–email me right away!!

Enjoy….. 😉

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This has nothing to do with showcasing the tutu–but I adore this pic of my beauty.

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And oh yeah…my son was there! I have a tutu just the right size for “babies” (is he even a baby anymore–he IS one?). Somehow, modeling it on Jax just didn’t seem right. Lucky him!

  • Suzanne Williams - Lindsay!!! I am in love with these shots!!!! I can’t wait to put them up in my shop and on my website!!! You have a wonderful talent and quite the model for the product as well!!!ReplyCancel

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