Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{Love} Harford County, Maryland Custom Portrait Photographer

This family exudes it!

This is the third time I have met up with them in the past year, and what an honor it has been for me. First it was to capture Mom pregnant with baby boy number 2, then it was to grab some shots of the gorgeous baby boy after he was born, and last night we focused on the special family of 4!

Sadly, this wonderful family is moving next month. 🙁 I am so sad to see them go! I am hopeful that perhaps they will come visit MD and perhaps pay me a visit too!

We had another beautiful night–finally! It’s been pretty rainy here of late. I think my favorite part of doing this is knowing what is happening when we got these pictures. There is a story in all of them. The oldest boy is almost 3 and just adores his parents. That last shot where he’s cracking up? It wasn’t me making him grin that wide….it was his Daddy being silly. I just love that (and Daddy has to love it too)! Same silly Daddy for the shot of the two boys together. Lucky me that he’s so funny!

I really adore all these shots, but I really love the one of Mommy and her two boys. Once again, probably because I am jealous–but just because it’s so calm and serene–most likely the opposite of everyday life!

Thanks J fam–you will be missed! ENJOY!

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