…and it wasn’t even Purple Friday!
My youngest brother is 8 years behind me. I started out feeling like a mini mom…and now we are best buds. When I received a phone call from him telling me I needed to get the kids out to this gorgeous field of purple flowers he drove past, I listened (I have his eye trained now)! No, I mean I really listened…I dragged my hubby and kiddos there THAT night.
I love getting pictures of my OWN kids. I never want to be the “shoemaker whose kids go without shoes,” or some saying like that. It’s a bigger bonus when I get GREAT pics of my kids in such a cool and unique setting. They were rockstars. This session was probably…oh, 5 minutes. There were no tears and no yelling–lol! There was just lots of mud, as we had the worst week of rain here in MD the week prior.
Anyway, as I said on my facebook page when I posted the photo of my kids snuggling in a gorgeous field of purple flowers–SCORE! My kids will have “shoes!!” I am determined!
Thanks for looking!

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Tina Mackey - I can’t believe how much they look like your kiddos. Looks like fun!