Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

I feel like I am brushing some dust off of the blog here…I visited SO often in the months of October, November, and December–I miss that!! I think I am becoming a better “facebooker” than blogger. It’s just too easy!

January has been a nice time to rest and regroup, and things don’t really start picking up again until the beginning of March…with the exception of some seriously precious newborns like baby boy Lucas here.

There is something magical about winter babies. It’s such a sweet feeling being snuggled inside, cozy and warm with a newborn baby, when the weather outside is so frigid and snowy! Lucas was actually born right before the big snow we received last week. He is welcomed by a super adorable big brother (can you say heart breaker?), Julian. These two are going to make some serious memories together as siblings. Julian was so excited to show me his room, Lucas’s room, his toys, and even got to building some pretty awesome couch forts! It was so cute.

Thanks so much for having me over! It was awesome meeting all of you. 🙂 Congratulations!!

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  • Jess Vocke - Oh my gosh..these are great! I love all 4 of them! I think the 2 black and whites might be my favorite though. Congrats again! You have beautiful children.ReplyCancel

  • Lesley - OMG Melissa…… the boys are too cute. Great job LinsayReplyCancel

  • Beth - Soooo cute! Big Bro and Little Bro…Can’t wait for Nicholas and his little bros pics next month with you!ReplyCancel

  • Brea - Oh my goodness! Heartbreaker big brother indeed! And what a gorgeous little sweet pea! Well done Linds…ReplyCancel

  • Melissa - Thank you so much Lindsay. I love love the photos. You are so talented. Can not wait to have many more photo sessions in the future.ReplyCancel

  • Ang - These are great! Julian is such a ham!! You can tell how much he loves his baby brother already!ReplyCancel

Downtime is wonderful for many reasons (for obvious reasons), but I am super excited to be able to finally devote time to some projects I had been putting on the backburner over the past few months. Specifically, it’s so wonderful to finally blog about this wonderful event I photographed on the day before Halloween of 2010.

There is a wonderful family I have shot many times. The awesome mom of this family called on me to help out for a special event by capturing the moments with my lens they wouldn’t be able to. Meet Megan. This is my client’s neice. At 5 months old Megan was diagnosed with Hypotonia and Global Developmental Delay. You can read more about Megan here on her very own website. Better yet, you can DONATE on this page as well, which I strongly encourage you to do. The donations given help fund the research needed to find better treatment methods and a possible cure for Genetic Disorders such as the one Megan has.

Back in October, Megan’s wonderful and extremely amazing family organized a race in which all the proceeds would benefit the Miracle for Megan Foundation, an organization created by the family to raise awareness, increase research, and develop optimal treatment methods for people with Genetic Disorders.

It. Was. Amazing! They had an incredible turnout, it was a beautiful day…and everyone was in wonderful spirits for sweet Megan. There were kids (a costume contest and games galore ensued after the race was over) and grown-ups alike there supporting Megan and her family and a lot of money was raised!

Keep up with Megan on facebook on the Miracle for Megan Foundation Page here. She is quite a spirited and determined little girl!

Thanks so much Miceli family for including me in such a special event, and I hope you enjoy this extremely over due sneak peek of this incredible day!

Megan and her Mommy right after the race started.

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Aunt Kate gets a heartfelt thanks from her brother, Megan’s dad, after the race. She worked so hard to make it happen!
mfmblog6go ahead,pin thisMegan is pooped! 😉
mfm30bwgo ahead,pin thisThe Miceli Family….beautiful people with big hearts.
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Our very first one!
Our family is extra big on snow days because that means we get Daddy home for the day.
Jackson REALLY wanted to make a snowman (I mean, the poor kid has been talking about it for weeks), but this snow was just not destined to be snowman snow. A quick fix-sledding.

I love capturing my own 2 loves. 😉
ENJOY!! …and happy snow day to ya!

snowblog2go ahead,pin thisTime for snow angels….
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snowblog1go ahead,pin thisDaddy isn’t know for “taking it easy….”
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snowblog7go ahead,pin thisInside for hot chocolate…..somebody is a messy boy!
snowblog9go ahead,pin thisChillaxin.  Well deserved!
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  • Tina Mackey - I love when you post your kids! You must pick just the right bright colors because they always photograph well!ReplyCancel

  • Tina Mackey - …and they are gorgeous too, of course!ReplyCancel

May 2011 be your best year yet!
Thanks to everyone who made Lindsay Parks Photography so successful and FUN in 2010.
Can’t wait to see what next year brings….

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  • Michele gerbes - I shared these beautiful photos with my family and they love them as much as I do! Thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • christina straub - Gianna and marissa gargano are absolutely beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Kim Blouse - absolutely precious photographs! What beautiful children and what a gifted photographer.ReplyCancel

  • cindy pilkerton - Photographer is amazing! The Gargano girls are absolutely ADORABLE!!ReplyCancel

  • Kellie Montogmery - ADORABLE…. Can’t wait to meet sweet Marissa!ReplyCancel

…that is just what sweet Marissa did for me today-sleep. When I first arrived and her Mom told me she was a pretty good sleeper and that was pretty much “how she rolled”, I figured that would immediately jinx us for a wide awake baby, but nope. She slept. I should have known Mom would be right!

I had photographed big sister Gianna in summer of 2009 when she was one year old. She’s a gorgeous little girl, and my how she had changed! It’s amazing. Something happens after kiddos turn two. About halfway through that year they become…well, kids and not toddlers. Their limbs lengthen, their hair is longer, their vocabulary is astounding! Gianna was no exception, and that is hands down my favorite part of this job. Well, that and snuggling sweet, new, little babies who are only still measuring their lives in days and weeks. I got to do BOTH today, so it was a great morning. My favorite from the session is definitely Gianna peeking down at her new baby sister in the baby bed. Love it.

Thanks for having me over to capture this fleeting moment in your lives. It goes so fast. As I type this we are all about to greet 2011 with open arms. I took a special picture of Marissa for that, but you have to wait until tomorrow!

Share the love…15 comments right here on the blog gets this new family a free 5×7 print.
Have a safe and happy New Years Eve!

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  • dana ascenzi - What beautiful girls! Luv all the pics.ReplyCancel

  • nana - Beautiful pictures, beautiful children.ReplyCancel

  • Debi - I may be a liitle partial, but they are beautiful! Thanks Lindsay for beautiful photos.ReplyCancel

  • Jane Dorsey - Gorgeous!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Courtney Dohler - So precious!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Aunt Trish - So beautiful and innocent. I Love them pics!!!ReplyCancel

  • Stacy Alcide - These are adorable. Can’t wait to see them all!!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly McCready - LOVE the pictures!ReplyCancel

  • Larry Buta - Gigi and Marissa are soooo cute! What great pictures!ReplyCancel

  • Deniz Celestin - What gorgeous baby girls! We are so happy for you, Melanie & Todd, congratulations! Lovely pictures!!ReplyCancel

  • Donna Umstead - The pictures of the baby and her big sister are soooooooooooooooo beatiful, I like the black and white picture.ReplyCancel

  • janice - great pictures. Beautiful girls. You are blessed.ReplyCancel

  • Heather Yingling - Absolutely priceless! Gianna and Marissa are so prescious! Love these pictures!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Nicol - How beautiful!!!ReplyCancel

  • Amanda - Too cute!ReplyCancel