Lindsay Parks Photography » welcome

{Trucking Towards Two!} Harford, MD Custom Portrait Photographer

and I really mean that…because this little dude could truck!! 😉

This is Emerick, the sweet son of a local photographer, and now friend of mine, Anni Matusky of Anni Oh Photography.
Being friends in the same biz, we pretty much end up talking “shop” a lot, and when she expressed her frustration on trying to be both Emerick’s wonderful mom AND his personal photographer — I so felt her pain…especially with a two year old boy–seen any great pics of Jackson lately? It’s SUCH a hard age.

When she asked for my help–I of course said yes, and requested a swap! Yes, you heard me right people…I am finally going to get pictures of my family taken, and you better believe I will share them here. 🙂 Next month hopefully!

So anyway, Anni wasn’t lying. Emerick is fast, has his own agenda, and wants to get busy with it–quick!! What was presented to me as a dapper, pulled together, adorable gap toddler model quickly became an airplane lovin’, hot, sweaty red faced mess–but still adorable mind you. So very cute–and soooo two—and SUCH a little boy!

I love the captures of him …and I hope you do too Anni! So looking forward to our session with you!

Emerick…keep truckin’ to two. What it it….2 more months??

And don’t kill me…I really like this picture of your sweet family of three!! Can’t wait to have some of our foursome!

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  • anni - I LOVE them!!! Thank you SOOO much, you don’t even know how much I love them. If you love your photos half as much as I love these, I will be happy! 😉 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t know if I would even have an “official 2 year photo” of Emerick, and now I don’t know how I will choose which one!ReplyCancel

  • Pam - You captured my handsome grandson so wonderfully! He does have his own agenda that is for sure. I love, love,love every one of these!ReplyCancel

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