My sweet boy! All too often I take pics and blog about my gal. It’s mostly because she is a total rockstar in front of the camera. She sits still. She’s 5 (a great age for portraits). Her hair is amazing…. I love photographing her.
Jax, well…he isn’t exactly a perfect candidate for a portrait session. I mean, I obviously think he’s adorable! he’s just not a “sit still and look at me” kinda kiddo. No “smile pretty!” So not him. That results in instant cheese. It’s painful to watch.
I decided this morning to capture him just as he is. Enter jammies: These are his “Superman Pa-jammies.” He spotted them on the clearance rack at Target last month all on his own, and I caved, something I don’t normally do. he was just so jazzed over them, and they were pajamas for crying out loud.
Eleven dollars very well spent. It was instant love. He wants to wear them, well, all the time. I let him, except when we go out in public. The bus stop is an exception (yes, he wears them to the bus stop). If we are out, as soon as we walk in the door he puts them on. They are “cozy,” and I think they make him feel….well, good!
Loved capturing that today, right down to the little marker hearts wearing off his hand that were drawn with sharpie marker by yours truly! Both of my kids enjoy this “past time.” One heart (the big one) is me, and the little one is them. It’s our extended version of “The Kissing Hand.”
Have a super weekend!!!

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Gina - The pictures are gorgeous as always Lindsay!! And Katie, you have such a beautiful family!!