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Category Archives: my personal stuff

Hello followers of LPP. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling pumped about this week’s weather! I can’t wait for things to green up. Spring…we welcome you with open arms!! So….I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately. It tends to happen to me in January and February, because I give myself […]

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I did a quick, fun session with MY kiddos back in November. Back then, I just edited 3 favorites. 3!!! Today, I began to feel the panic that is “spring photo season coming”…so I edited the day away with these two. Looking at my babies faces all day made me so happy and made me […]

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My kids are part of the Orioles Dugout Club this year, and to say they are totally “geeked out” over it is an understatement. With today being opening day, I figured this little series is appropriate. Cracks. Me. Up. They were singing and dancing….love it!

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“One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one… One day we crossed the street and you held my hand tight… Then, you were my baby, now you are my child… Sometimes when you sleep I watch you dream, and I dream too… That someday you will dive into the cool, clear waters of […]

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So, when I said I was packing up and heading to NOLA for the superbowl, many of you insisted I bring my camera and take great pics. That beast (do you hear me laughing/cringing)!?? It just wasn’t happening, lol…so, I took my iphone and my go pro and…well, I think they got the job done […]

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